Rally Classes
For both the Novice class and the Advanced/Excellent class, there will be two
courses to run in each session.
There will also be a Rally Drop-In Class that will be held on the 2nd and 4th
Wednesday of each month.
Rally is a sport in which the dog and handler complete a course that has been
designed by the rally judge. The judge tells the handler to begin, and the dog
and handler proceed at their own pace through a course of designated stations
(10 - 20, depending on the level). Each of these stations has a sign providing
instructions regarding the next skill that is to be performed. Scoring is not as
rigorous as traditional obedience. The team of dog and handler moves
continuously at a brisk, but normal, pace with the dog under control at the
handler’s left side. There should be a sense of teamwork between the dog and
handler both during the numbered exercises and between the exercise signs,
however, perfect "heel position" is not required. Any faults in traditional
obedience that would be evaluated and scored as a one-point deduction or more
should be scored the same in Rally, unless otherwise mentioned in the Rally
Regulations. After the judge's "Forward" order, the team is on its own to
complete the entire sequence of numbered signs correctly.
Unlimited communication from the handler to the dog is to be encouraged and not
penalized. Unless otherwise specified in these Regulations, handlers are
permitted to talk, praise, encourage, clap their hands, pat their legs, or use
any verbal means of encouragement. Multiple commands and/or signals using one or
both arms and hands are allowed, the handler’s arms need not be maintained in
any particular position at any time. The handler may not touch the dog or make
physical corrections. At any time during the performance, loud or harsh commands
or intimidating signals will be penalized.
Rally provides a link from the Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) program to obedience
or agility competition, both for dogs and handlers.
Class dates:
Class time: 7:00 pm
Class cost: $80.00 (members 20% discount)
Instructor(s): Carole Atkinson
If there is enough interest, Novice class will be held at 7:00 pm and an
Advanced class at 8:00 pm. The Advanced class will be drop-in and cost $10 a
Class Application
Advanced — this is the second level, which includes more difficult exercises
throughout the course.
All exercises are performed off-leash.
There is a requirement of 12-17 stations with no more than 7
stationary exercises.
Exercises include a jump as well as calling your dog to the front of you instead
of to a heel position.
Excellent — this third and highest level of AKC Rally is the most challenging.
All exercises are performed off-leash except for the honor exercise.
There is a requirement of 15-20 stations, with no more than 7 stationary
Handlers are only allowed to encourage their dogs verbally.
Physical encouragement is not allowed at this level.
The Excellent-level exercises include backing up three steps, while the dog
stays in the heel position and a moving stand, while the handler walks around
the dog.
For both the Novice class and the Advanced/Excellent class, there will be two
courses to run in each session.
Start dates: TBA
Class time:
Cost: .
Class Application
This class will be held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month.
Start dates:
Class time: 7:00 pm
Cost: $10.00
Instructor(s): Carol Atkinson

For ALL CLASSES, the dogs must have their standard immunizations in order to attend. If you have any questions, please call!! Dogs in season cannot attend the classes. You may attend without the dog. Refunds will be given for classes missed because of injury, illness or accident with a written note from your veterinarian.
There will be a minimum of 4 dogs in a class. Should a class not reach the minimum limit, it will be necessary to cancel the class or at the instructor’s discretion. If a class is canceled, all enrollment money will be refunded. We try to keep the number of participants in a class small so as to give everyone personal attention.
No harsh or abusive training will be allowed. We use toys, treats and praise in our training. No shock collars!
If you have any question as to which class you should enroll in, please contact the Obedience Director who will assist you in making a decision according to your interests.
Watch our website for date, time and cost of any class you are interested in.
Remember mixed breed dogs are now eligible to complete in AKC Obedience, Agility and Rally trials.
VERY IMPORTANT: To secure your place in a class, application and fees must be received prior to the beginning of the class. A minimum of 4 dogs must be signed up for any of the classes or class will be canceled and rescheduled at a later date.
Belle-City Kennel Club gives a 50% discount to any adopted dog through a Humane
Organization or breed rescue for thier first class only.