Obedience Classes
If you are interested in getting additional information regarding any of our
classes, please call Carole at 618-355-0148 or send an email to
Drop In Obedience Practice
Date and time: TBA
Cost: Members $8. Non-members $10
Watch announcements; schedule may change
Competition Proofing Class:
This class is for those showing or preparing to show in Obedience
Start date and time: TBA
Cost: $80.00 (members get a
20% discount)
Class Application
BEGINNER NOVICE (BN) Obedience Class:
This is an optional titling class. You will need to learn, understand and be
familiar with the exercises before you get to the trial. This is not the
pre-novice class and it should not be assumed that all of the exercises are
judged in the same manner. The premise is that all exercises are done on lead*
and follow instructions placed in the ring by the judge. *The recall will be
done off lead with the handler carrying the lead in either hand or placed around
their neck. All other exercises will be done on lead. This will be a fun class
for all beginner dogs and both beginner and advanced handlers.
Start date: TBA
Class time: 8:00 pm
Cost: $80.00 (members get a 20% discount)
Instructor(s): Carole Atkinson
Please contact Carole Atkinson at 618-355-0148 to sign up or for more
information. Please fill out the Belle City Kennel Club Class registration form
and either mail to Carole at the address on the form or bring completed form to
the first class.
Class Application
This class is a standard Novice Class in preparation for getting a Companion
Dog Obedience title.
Start date and time: TBA
Class Application
We will again be offering this class later on this year. This class is
designed to be a “problem solving” class and to clean up your performance in
preparation to entering the ring. The prerequisite for this class would be a
Novice Class. It is not necessary that the Novice Class be taken from Belle-City
Kennel Club in order to participate. However, we will build upon the exercises
learned. Beginner’s Obedience class will also qualify as a prerequisite.
Watch the website for the starting date for the next class.
Start date and time: TBA
Class Application
This is an introduction to the Open Class. A prerequisite for this class
would be Novice. This would be a wonderful class for those wishing to continue
with their training.
Start date and time: TBA
Class Application
This class is for those wishing to continue on with earning titles in
obedience. The Beginner Open class is an excellent class to take prior to
entering the Open Obedience class. The curriculum will be putting the exercises
together and getting ready to enter the ring. Class will be limited to 12 teams.
Start date and time: TBA
Class Application

For ALL CLASSES, the dogs must have their standard immunizations in order to attend. If you have any questions, please call!! Dogs in season cannot attend the classes. You may attend without the dog. Refunds will be given for classes missed because of injury, illness or accident with a written note from your veterinarian.
There will be a minimum of 4 dogs in a class. Should a class not reach the minimum limit, it will be necessary to cancel the class or at the instructor’s discretion. If a class is canceled, all enrollment money will be refunded. We try to keep the number of participants in a class small so as to give everyone personal attention.
No harsh or abusive training will be allowed. We use toys, treats and praise in our training. No shock collars!
If you have any question as to which class you should enroll in, please contact the Obedience Director who will assist you in making a decision according to your interests.
Watch our website for date, time and cost of any class you are interested in.
Remember mixed breed dogs are now eligible to complete in AKC Obedience, Agility and Rally trials.
VERY IMPORTANT: To secure your place in a class, application and fees must be received prior to the beginning of the class. A minimum of 4 dogs must be signed up for any of the classes or class will be canceled and rescheduled at a later date.
Belle-City Kennel Club gives a 50% discount to any adopted dog through a Humane
Organization or breed rescue for thier first class only.